Reading The Tale of Despereaux

The Tale of Despereaux was the first long form fiction book that my wife and i chose to read aloud to our two older children, Natty (8) and Micah (5). Now, don’t misunderstand, we have read a lot of books to our kids. However, they have been more of the Ladybug Girl variety, shorter stories with lots of bright, colorful illustrations. After seeing some posts on Facebook about a friend reading real books to their kids, like The Hobbit, we thought that we would give it a try. It was a little intimidating at first, but as with many things, I needed to follow the inspiration and just do it. I want our kids to have great memories connected to reading and this would be a way to create some of those memories. Plus, I felt inspired personally to make sure that they know how important they are to me by giving them this time every single night where they are my only focus.

I chose this book because it was highly recommended on a list of great read-aloud books plus we’d seen the movie years ago and seemed to remember enjoying it.

I started out reading the book on April 2, 2013 before bedtime. I was the primary reader for most of it, but Andi had the great idea to let Natty take some turns reading as well. It served as an educational experience for her and we could see improvement in her reading even after just a few weeks of reading aloud. Near the end, Andi joined us in the reading aloud and that made it even better. She has a great vocal delivery style, really acting out the words and I found myself getting lost in the story as she read.  We finished the book last night, having taken 22 days to read 256 pages together. I am especially proud of the fact that we only took one night off out of those 22 and by the end, we were reading 20 pages a night.

As for the book itself, it was indeed a good read-aloud book. The chapters were short which meant that you had ample places to stop reading for the night. The story was suitable for young kids, although our older child connected with it more than Micah did. There are some dark sections, especially when dealing with Roscuro and the dungeons that you have to navigate through. I was a little worried that it might be too scary for them but we got through without any nightmares or crying. It was a good story of wonder, love and the power of forgiveness. I am looking forward to watching the movie again now that the story is fresh in our minds.

The kids, especially Natty, really enjoyed the book and they began asking every night when we were going to read. We successfully started a new ritual, one that we will stick with for a long time I believe.

The funnier things in life

Natty and Micah wanted to have a tea party and Natty’s rules say everyone has to dress up. Natty comes to me and says Micah is allowed to join me. Micah hears this and says, “I’m not loud!” ha ha ha Oh I love those kids!

Friday night, Aaron came home and was hungry. So he made toast with butter and sugar. It smelled really good! So good in fact that Natty comes in from the back room and says,” Oh that smells so good that the smell lassoed my nose and pulled me over here to see what it was.”  Oh that girl! ha ha ha

The Cravy Tea Party

The kids decided to have a tea party one night. We served star fruit, black grapes, butter and sugar bread sandwiches and to drink it was cranberry strawberry juice. They loved it! Natty and Micah dresses in their “handsome” clothes (Micah calls his collared shirts with pockets).

Random stories from my kids!

I overhear my kids talking in the bedroom: Natty says: ” Micah do you want to suck on my toe jam?” Micah says ” no I want mine (his pacifier)”   Natty:” Are you sure its really good toe jam!” I have no idea where that came from or if she knows what toe jam is! They say the funniest thing!

Something my kids tell me and I just had to share! Natty was telling me about her nightmirrors and Micah wants to beep (sleep) with me at night time… ha ha I love my kids

There are a few word that my kids say that will never be the same:

Natty: Furr’s will always be Furbs,

Micah: Poptarts will always be  Paw Tar

Our Animal Lover

The last few night Natty has been sneeking Bentley (our dog) in bed with her AFTER we turn out the lights and AFTER we go to sleep. I think its so funny that she wants to sleep with her dog so badly that she feels she has to sneek him in her bed.

Bless Natty’s heart, one day she spent most of her day waiting for the ASPCA commericial. She finally sees it pauses the t.v. and jots down the website and the phone number. Then she starts crying! I ask her why shes crying and she says “why are people so mean to animals?” My heart aches for her as she is trying to understand, but what is a mom to do?

Natty’s randoms and funnies

I think its funny when I tell Natty, its time to rest she automatically has to take off her pants. I asked her why she does this and  she says “I just feel more comfy in a t-shirt and my underwear.” ha ha She is her mothers daughter for sure!

Natty asks are angel kisses stains? he he For those of you who don’t know we call birth marks or freckles angel kisses.

One day while cleaning the bathrooms Natty tells me “I love cleaning toilets! When I’m older I will still love to clean toilets!” Me: “Oh really? Why do like to clean toilets?” Natty:” um well because they are clean…and the water turns blue.” I hope she still loves cleaning toilets in couple of years!

Natty says to me one day out of the blue ” Husky (her stuffed animal), doesn’t like being dipped in fish oil.” To that I respond ” um what?” I have no idea where that came from!

Conversation between me and Natty. Me: “I’m not feeling well, I need to eat something.”

Natty: “How about a knuckle sandwich? I’ve got it right here.”  Ha ha so funny!

More funny stories…

I got up from a much needed nap. I sat down with some water and the next thing I know my big 3 year old boy is carrying out 2 week old Gideon! Ahhhhhhhhh Micah then hands over Gideon and says ” Momma I’m strong! Gideon was crying!” FYI Gideon wasnt crying.

The sweet words that come out of my little guy quickly turns into something so funny!
Me: Micah I love you
Micah: wuv you too (then gives me kisses)
Me: You are so sweet…. How did I get so lucky, to have such a sweet boy?
Micah: um…doctor?

The untold stories from the Cravy Kids

Here are a few stories I never posted…. enjoy reading!!!

My daughter is definitely my child! One day I asked her to put the clothes in the dryer to dry, which she eagerly did so. A little time had past and I didn’t hear the dryer. I asked her if she turned it on…. she says “no because you didn’t tell me to!” That is something I would have done!

A conversation between Natty and Aaron about lunch

Aaron: Natty what part of the chicken do you like the best?

Natty: um, the inside, the out side is too crunchy

Aaron: um haha No I meant do you want a leg or a thigh

As a home school mom I see every day as an opportunity to teach Natty something, for example: as I was washing dishes today I see a black widow spider, in the window. I call Natty over to inform her about it, thinking its an important lesson. Only it backfired and now she wont get 10 feet away from me because now she thinks our house is black widow infested! Now what do I do?

We were about to walk out the door when I told Micah to get his shorts on…Micah: I dont want to…Me: yes, please put on your shorts….Micah: they dont fit me…Me: you had them on earlier and they were fine…Micah: I’m too fat!!!…Me: well ok then um lets go get daddy with no shorts on

Micah Loves, Well You Know

While walking through JC Penny the other night, Micah wanders into the ladies swimsuit department. He spots a headless mannequin wearing a bikini and exclaims I love boobies! Now this hasnt happened before and we were a little taken aback. He says it again as he comes back to us and the giggling overtook us. This, of course, only encourages him to say it more We take the escalator upstairs as we are there to find Andi a nursing bra and, as you can imagine, this sent Micah into a boobie chanting tizzy. Thankfully, not many shoppers were there and we just let him go. Embarrassing? A little. Hilarious? Absolutely!

The Big Bad Bathroom Women!

One day the kids and I went to the store after playing at the park . After a hard play and being sweaty the kids and I have go to the bathroom. We walked in just at the right time. Several ladies came in RIGHT after us. We still waited a minute or two, but Natty went in first by herself. Then it was Micah’s and my turn. While I am getting him taken care of I hear an older lady say, “Is someone in the stalls?”  Both doors are closed and one stall is broken. The next girl in line says “yes a mom and her two kids are in them”. The lady says “in both? Why didn’t they go in all together?” The girl says “I don’t know?” They aren’t talking softly, and its not the young girls fault. We weren’t in there very long, but we potty training Micah, and I a pregnant with Gideon. So I had to take a little bit longer. The older lady says ” Ugh I wish they would hurry, don’t they know there is a long line to use the toilets?” I was so mad! BUT I didn’t say anything. Micah and I finish up and she isn’t anywhere to be found. Then as we are washing our hands another lady says “Why is this little kid still in the stall and is she old enough to be in here by herself? I swear some people could care less about their kids these days!” Then she knocks on the Natty door and says “Are you ok do you know where your mommy is?” I just looked at her and said “yes I am right here!” She said oh ok and didn’t say anything else! What in the world? I’m sorry we beat you to the bathroom but geeze !!!!

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